James L. C. Kafka - Fiction is My Reality

Monday, December 18, 2023

Plagiarism vs. Parallel Thinking


I wrote this little tidbit back on May, 16th 2016. 

On this matter, history will repeat, because there will always be lazy writers who look for a shortcut to success.

Plagiarism vs. Parallel Thinking

Integrity --- A firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values.

As a writer, I strive to be creative and strangely unique, although I understand that my uniqueness is probably not entirely singular. When I write a sentence, I know the possibility exist that someone else might have already scribbled down the exact same thing. Is there a way to check? I suppose there might be. I could scan every book that has ever been written to try and find out, but that’s absurd and extremely time consuming.

So, what other option is left for a writer to find out if what they wrote is similar to what someone else has already written? There is a way, without even researching, 

It’s called, Parallel Thinking

Parallel Thinking is a camouflage excuse. If you ain’t got a good enough lie to hide behind your plagiarizing, just say Parallel Thinking. Evidently, that fixes everything. 

There are some writers who steal from indie writers, because they think no one will ever notice and if an indie writer does notice, it would be hard to prove.

 Yeah, I’m going all Papal Decree on this one.

Nope, we ain't buying any Parallel Thinking cookies. If you gotta steal to deal, I suggest you find a new line of work. Stealing is lazy and cowardly.

The Originals! 

Being cheesy is easy and there are thieves everywhere.  

Originality is a challenge for every writer.


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