James L. C. Kafka - Fiction is My Reality

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Be the Ray of Hope


Frustration has been the air we breathe, melancholy our daily bread, and our desire for normality is the cup from which we drink. We watch and listen, as the acidic parasites, the pessimistic-persuaders, and the blood-sucking panhandlers of lies spread their seeds of destruction. They are the vast ocean of fault-finding organisms besieging the virtues we hold dear.

The monsters underneath our beds wait patiently in the shadows, the goblins in the closet are standing ready to launch their attacks, and the setting sun is the signal for the reoccurring, nocturnal nightmares lying in the crypt to rise again and torment our slumber.

In the morning, as the light of day comes forth, our anxieties and trepidations are again reborn and we, the unheard, stride quietly once more amid the multitude of eyes and ears who seek to devour our minds, our hearts, and our souls.

Be the Fearless Rainbow in a Dark Sky

But today, let it be the day we stand firm and give not another inch. Be resilient, fierce, and formidable. Be the foundation of benevolence. Crush the stones of hate by being the paradigm of kindness and understanding. Loot their minds with silent actions of humanity, win their hearts with gentle words, and save their souls with friendship.

It only takes one to change the course of history.


This Week be the Purple Octopus of Hope or the Amber Rabbit of Sympathy


 Spreading Love to the World for a Better Tomorrow


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