James L. C. Kafka - Fiction is My Reality

Friday, November 12, 2021

How to with Imagination

Me trying to be relevant when I’m irrelevant is an eccentric

activity of irrefutable madness. But yet, being a former right

fielder, I endeavor to persevere.


I don’t move so freely as I once did, so I use Neptunian logic,

which is much like Plutonian logic and proportionally equal to the

circular drivel of the semantics uttered by the current generation

of right fielders.


I stepped in some matter.

Does it really matter if we have matter?


Never mind . . . moving on.


There are thousands of ‘how to’ books and if everyone did exactly

what the ‘how to’ books said, the world would be a perfect place;

correct? Of course that’s correct. The people who wrote the ‘how

to’ books are now rich and all rich people are smart; correct? Of

course, that’s correct.


Can we get a ‘how to’ book on peace and keeping the peace?


Personally, I think ‘how to’ books destroy creativity. Following a 

‘how to’ book makes us all the same. I prefer diverse people and

diverse thinking. A ‘how to’ book should be full of blank pages

and each person writes down their own way of doing things.


Yes, I know that ‘how to’ books are supposed to help us not make

the same mistakes that those who came before us made, but the

world keeps making the same mistakes despite the ‘how to’



So, either most of us are idiots, . . . or a large portion of people

prefer to go their own way and don’t care if they make mistakes.


And furthermore, Blah, Blah, Blah, and Yadda, Yadda, Yadda.


I write blog posts because I need to dump excess information

and also because, I stare at a monitor and 4 walls for six days,

doing nothing but thinking about stuff. On the seventh day, the

guards turn on the computer and allow me to scribble down my



I am currently reading a ‘how to’ book about how to accept

people for who they are, because quite frankly, expecting people

to change is pointless, and I find it easier to simply tolerate their

lack of desire to improve themselves.


I have no desire to improve myself, and I hope everyone

tolerates my stupidity.


Have a great imaginative day!




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