James L. C. Kafka - Fiction is My Reality

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

A Humbling Book Review

Touching one reader makes the effort worth while.


Book review - September 14, 2023

I didn't want it to end

I'm so glad that I discovered this series. I plan to read all the others.

As an adult reader, I could feel the excitement of endless possibility in the coming-of-age adventure. As a woman, I could not personally identify with the very horny female elves, but I enjoyed seeing them through Wajue, the main characters' eyes, who was a very typical teenage boy. The immersive world felt so developed that I recall the mechanics of the world as much as the characters.



The Beginning of an amazing adventure

The world building might slow the first few chapters for some, but it was absolutely worth letting it unfold at a more traditional pace. World building is where this story shines. Each culture, creature, and curse has been expertly crafted and delivered with expert storytelling skills.

I read one chapter every day and I felt as enthralled with Vanguard as I was back in the 1990s when someone first handed me a David Eddiings book when I couldn't find another from the Xanth series. If you want to feel like you did somewhere between picking up Tolkien, but before George RR Martin, this is that fantasy. It feels deeply rooted in an era sorely missed by many genre fiction readers.

Although some parts might offend sensitive readers, everything that initially bothered me was later revealed to be the consequences of the cruelty and curses of an evil source.

The author obviously loved crafting this story and I'm certain if you get past the cover art and some crafty misdirection, you'll have a memorable experience with this delightful approach to fantasy.

I am truly humbled.


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