James L. C. Kafka - Fiction is My Reality

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

A Humbling Book Review

Touching one reader makes the effort worth while.


Book review - September 14, 2023

I didn't want it to end

I'm so glad that I discovered this series. I plan to read all the others.

As an adult reader, I could feel the excitement of endless possibility in the coming-of-age adventure. As a woman, I could not personally identify with the very horny female elves, but I enjoyed seeing them through Wajue, the main characters' eyes, who was a very typical teenage boy. The immersive world felt so developed that I recall the mechanics of the world as much as the characters.



The Beginning of an amazing adventure

The world building might slow the first few chapters for some, but it was absolutely worth letting it unfold at a more traditional pace. World building is where this story shines. Each culture, creature, and curse has been expertly crafted and delivered with expert storytelling skills.

I read one chapter every day and I felt as enthralled with Vanguard as I was back in the 1990s when someone first handed me a David Eddiings book when I couldn't find another from the Xanth series. If you want to feel like you did somewhere between picking up Tolkien, but before George RR Martin, this is that fantasy. It feels deeply rooted in an era sorely missed by many genre fiction readers.

Although some parts might offend sensitive readers, everything that initially bothered me was later revealed to be the consequences of the cruelty and curses of an evil source.

The author obviously loved crafting this story and I'm certain if you get past the cover art and some crafty misdirection, you'll have a memorable experience with this delightful approach to fantasy.

I am truly humbled.


Monday, October 2, 2023

Librarians Know Best


Reading is Librarian approved medicine to treat children and adults who suffer from - Bibliophobia, an intense fear of books or reading. 

Reading is also a remedy for people with moderate to severe vacuity or have a significant TV watching problem. If you struggle with truncated mental absorption or have no clue what truncated mental absorption means or had to look up the word, vacuity, or just dislike reading, or experience an acute allergic reaction when reading, you definitely have Bibliophobia.

Reading is exercise for your brain and strengthens your vocabulary. Reading may also increase your chance of meeting that special someone which could develop into a serious relationship.

Owl Wisdom is Wise

If you have a history of saying, “I don’t like to read,” or “Reading is boring,” You should make an appointment to see your librarian as soon as possible. Librarians are trained professionals and can easily cure Bibliophobia. If you have a child who has Bibliophobia, check the age-appropriate recommendations set forth in the Ancient Librarian Laws of Reading, Article 3, Section A, 1-12, before allowing them to read anything.

Start them youngsters early

Inform your librarian if you: dislike reading, have a fear of libraries or books, currently have or have had Bibliophobia, have been in close contact with someone with Bibliophobia, or think you have Bibliophobia type symptoms such as; looking at clouds and seeing just clouds, never wondering what’s at the end of a rainbow, sleeping soundly without worrying about the monsters in the closet, or saying something absolutely ridiculous like, “The movie is probably way better than the book.”

Call or visit a librarian right away if you have any of the symptoms listed above, and as soon as possible, begin reading magazines, newspapers, cereal boxes, a dictionary, or The Little Engine That Could. If you do not have a copy of – The Little Engine That Could, well, you almost certainly need more than a librarian to cure you.

If you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant, reading will not harm your unborn baby and any increased intelligence you acquire from reading will be distributed to your child, and it won’t curdle your breast milk.

Reading does have severe side-effects, such as: creative ideas, desire to read more, a restful night of sleep, better eating habits, stimulated brain activity, acting considerably smarter, and increased conversational skills.

The most common side effects are: peace of mind, clarity, calmness, contentment, and enhanced wisdom. Reading is a good start towards feeling better and a long and successful life. And if you are over the age of 50, reading will restore that youthful feeling in the lower section of your left leg.

Our Team of Experts are Ready to Assist You

Get started today before it’s too late – read a book, any book, or the fine print in your spouse’s life insurance policy.

Immediately or possibly soon thereafter, you will astonish friends and family with your boosted vocabulary and superior conversational skills.

Visit your local library today and check with a professional librarian for a complete list of books or reading material that is best suited for you.


Drinking alcohol, in large amounts, while reading at the library is forbidden.


Erudition is free inside every book.  

Erudition: extensive knowledge acquired chiefly from books.

