James L. C. Kafka - Fiction is My Reality

Monday, November 18, 2024

Simple Marriage Wisdom




Marriage is a form of ignorant presumption; it occurs when two people with no experience, no expertise, and no ability suddenly assume they have superior expertise and ability concerning the everlasting commitment they are about to make prior to getting married. This overestimation happens because they don’t have enough knowledge about marriage to know they don’t have enough knowledge.

From the moment you are married and every morning after, the uncertainty that follows every day is an adventure filled with smiles and tears in unequal amounts and always when you least expect them.

Don’t ever attempt to contemplate the commitment of marriage, you joyfully promised on your memorable day, for more than five minutes. The more you think about it, the more you begin to play the crazy game of ‘What If’ every time you look at your spouse.

Bugs, Monsters, and Critters all Fear Me!

The simple truth about marriage is knowing the correct moment when to say, ‘yes or no,’ and the correct moment is never actually correct, it is merely the beginning of a long conversation that hopefully ends in a compromise.

After 45 years, 16,437 days, I am still married to the same person.

I have lived the Dunning and Kruger Effect long before they ever thought about it.
