James L. C. Kafka - Fiction is My Reality

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Politics vs. Education

Rule #1  Never open Pandora's Box.

Long ago, a small town wanted to make money but unknowingly set the wheels of change in motion.  


It was the trial of the century and when it was over, the verdict – guilty. Dayton, Tennessee, July 21, 1925.


The Scopes Trial - the first United States trial to be broadcast on national radio, WGN.


John T. Scopes violated Tennessee's Butler Act, by unlawfully teaching human evolution in a state-funded school.


The oddity is that it was all staged to attract attention and money to the city of Dayton, Tennessee, which it did, but in doing so, the conspirators unwittingly changed America forever.


It’s been almost 100 years since the Scopes Trial, and trouble is brewing once again. 

Around the country, School Boards are adding Critical Race Theory to the curriculum without any public debate. Masks mandates and lower grade standards were also implemented. The result; an angry and growing number of parents rapidly spoke out in opposition, but for doing so, they are now considered terrorist. Yikes!

All parents have the right to know and to be able to express their opinions about what should or should not be taught to their children, and about the expectations for their children to graduate to the next level. As for the debate about masks, well, I ain't got no dog in that fight because all my children are grown, but if I did, I am certain I would allow my children to wear their favorite Halloween mask to school, and then I would go to the principals office, knowing that I would be called in to explain. 

These issues are currently a hot topic and are being debated by the talking-heads, but so far, it's been all talk and no action. 


Is it time for another Scopes-like trial?


I certainly hope so, but who would be willing to be the hesitant scapegoat, like John T. Scopes? And what entity or person would be so inclined to finance a judicial endeavor in opposition against the school boards, teacher’s unions, and woke fanatics, and stand firm, without fear against any and all threats?

 Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Warren Buffet, Larry Ellison, Steve Ballmer, Elon Musk, and Larry Page, all billionaires, all white, all men. I doubt any of them would dare to risk their huge amounts of wealth to finance a court trial about what should be taught in public schools. Daring to oppose the mob of progressive socialist democrats could and would probably hurt their profit margins. Unfortunately, billionaires are cowards. Some of them would rather build a rocket, instead of attending a school board meeting; wealth is their only concern.  

So, who will be bold enough to stand up and be the John T. Scopes of this generation? Who is courageous enough and willing to risk everything so that We The People get a fair trial?


The future of our children is at stake. COVID-19 will go away, eventually, but brainwashing lasts forever.





Proverbs 11:29

He that troubleth his own house shall inherit the wind: and the fool shall be servant to the wise of heart.