Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Ice Age Drama

Winds of Change in the Age Age


An international court of Shamans ruled that the Arctic High Mammoth warrior’s failure to adequately tackle the Dinosaur crisis is in violation of Amalgamated Cave-People human rights. The landmark Dinosaur judgment could have a ripple effect across the globe.

Shamans taking a selfie after their ruling


The Shamans Court of Amalgamated Cave-People Human Rights, in a cave somewhere near the Dead Summit Mountains, delivered its ruling against the Arctic High Mammoth warriors, in a case brought by more than 2,000 Flowers of Pure Snow women, the majority of whom are members of the Bitter as a Berry Tribe. They argued that Dinosaur’s undermined their health and quality of life, and put them at risk of dying. 


The Shamans ruled that the Arctic High Mammoth warriors had violated some of the women’s human rights due to “critical gaps” in its routine hunting expeditions to reduce the Dinosaur population, as well as a failure to train new warriors.     


This amounted to a breach of the women’s rights to effective protection from the “the serious adverse effects of human-eating-dinosaurs on their lives, health, well-being and quality of life,” the Shamans said in a statement.


It marks the first time the Shamans have ruled on Dinosaur litigation. Furthermore, there is no right of appeal and the judgment is legally binding.


The Arctic High Mammoth warriors will now have to give the women first dibs on the prime cuts of meat for 1 year.


Sheena, from the Flowers of Pure Snow women lawyers’ organization, Loves Shiny Things, said, "This result from the Shaman high court sends a clear message: warriors must take real action to keep women safe while they pick berries and fetch water.”


“Today’s rulings against the Arctic High Mammoth warriors sets a historic precedent that applies to all warrior hunter tribes,” Wolfman Jonger, a lawyer at Thunder That Rolls Over Clouds Network, which supported the case, said in a statement. “It means that all hunters must urgently revise their expeditions so that they are science-based and guarantees safety for the women. This is a massive win for all berry pickers.” 

In other news, a group of dinosaurs have hired a lawyer.


Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Gibberish is Wrong




Today’s Lesson:


Things you need to know while navigating trough the portal of life.


I am defeating the purpose 

Stepping on ants is the number one cause of – Oh Beast it tee


Watching your neighbor wash their car improves your memory


Boiling water is the path to happiness


The cure for recurring knee-jerks is slower music


An empty vessel is an unconscious state of mind


Emotional fiction reduces the need to buy groceries


Burn away calories by increasing instinctive reactions


Unthinking the unthinkable enhances involuntary purchases


Mechanical freedom intensifies the need for ice cream


Mindless advice that makes no sense is tedious confusion

There is no logical explanation for today’s lesson, but I felt the need to share my thoughts with the world. However, it is a fine example of putting words that should not be put together in the same sentence.


When you force words to be in the same sentence, bad things will happen, and nobody wants to read gibberish, . . . well some people might enjoy it.


Furthermore, I dislike spelling gibberish with a ‘G’.  I prefer jibberish, instead, and it looks more righter than gibberish.


Have a nice day.  

